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I've Been Tagged!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Something very exciting has happened today...I've been TAGGED by Jennifer over at Life As Jane Doe!  I LOOVVEEE reading her blog and you should too (so get over there)!
The Rules:
1. Every tagged person must tell 11 things about themselves.
2. Answer the 11 questions that the person who tagged you asked.
3. Ask 11 questions for the 11 blogs you are going to tag. Please tag blogs with 200 followers or less.
4. Mention the blog that tagged you but don't tag them back.
11 Things About Me:
1.  I have lived in 4 states (MA, UT, CA, SC) in my life.
2.  I Irish Step Danced for 10 years growing up..think Riverdance :)
3.  I am a wedding planner! And I love it.
4.  Since I grew up in Boston, I am obviously obsessed with anything related to the Red Sox, Patriots, Bruins and Celtics.
5.  I am an only child.
6.  I miss living somewhere with snow.
7.  I also miss living near the ocean.
8.  I was in a sorority (Chi Omega) in college.
9.  I have a wild shoe obsession...I definitely own too many pairs.
10.  Adjusting to the south is hard for me...ya'll just isn't in my vocabulary.
11.  I have seen James Taylor in concert 63 times. :)
Questions from Jennifer
1. What celebrity do you identify with the most?
A mixture of Hannah and Marni from Girls - I know the characters aren't celebs but my life is definitely just as random and absurd as theirs.
2. What is the most popular search term/phrase that drives traffic to your blog?
Sequins! :)
3. What are your biggest pet peeves?
Loud breathing, loud chewing, people being RUDE
4. Do you have any scars with really get stories behind them? If so, how did you get them?
As a matter of fact, yes.  I have a HUGE scar down the back of my right calf.  Long story short - extremely drunken night in college, was dared to kick in a glass I tried.  1 surgery, 5 days in the hospital, 1 month in a cast and 4 months of physical therapy.  WOOPS.
5. What is your favorite nail polish brand and color?
I have always loveddddd OPI - Lincoln Park After Dark
6. Is there a specific topic that you might consider yourself an expert? If yes, what are some of the things most people don't know about it.
Well event planning is definitely my thing.  I have learned how to do some fantastic things from my job - like creating baller flower arrangements, taking stains out of EVERYTHING and how to calm down even the craziest of family members.  Things people don't know?  How rewarding the job is, that wedding planners can actually make great money (and work from home!), and I am nothing like JLo in The Wedding Planner. 
7. What terrifies you the most?
Being alone
8. What makes you the happiest?
Being with Ross, my family and my best friends (and Seamus my's pronounced Shay-mus)
9. Who do you admire and what qualities about that person make you admire them?
My dad - he is hard working, unbelievably intelligent, caring, warm hearted and hilarious.  We get along better than anything and he has given me the perfect example of what I want in a husband and father for my future children. 
10. Sweet or Salty?
11. What is your best organization tip?
Lists.  I make lists for everything...from going to Target to cleaning my house.  It just keeps me motivated and on track.
The Questions for Bloggers I Tag
1.  What was the best vacation you have ever been on?
2.  If you could go back to any age, how old would you be and why?
3.  Where is your favorite place to shop?
4.  Heels or flats?
5.  What is your most embarrassing story ever?
6.  If you could pack your bags and move anywhere in the world for a year, where would you go?
7.  Who is your celebrity crush?
8.  What was the best concert you have ever been to?
9.  Why did you start blogging?
10.  What is your favorite blog to read daily?
11.  What is your favorite tv show?