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Wedding Wednesday (my first one!)

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

Today is going to be my FIRST Wedding Wednesday post!  Now that we're engaged we have started the initial process of trying to pick a date and location.  We pretty much agreed right away on a date (it's a secret for now!) but the location is it a bit harder of a decision. 
Our biggest goal is to have our wedding somewhere that is meaningful to us and that will be a blast for our family and friends.  We want everyone to enjoy their time 'away' with us and really remember our wedding.  Right now we are in the beginning stages...just researching venues, vendors, states, etc...but we are hoping to have a location decided on by the new year!
I booked my first two dress appointments too!  Yea, it might seem like we are jumping right in..but since I live away from my family and friends I have to book them when I know I will be home.  December 28th can't come soon enough!!
Today I am working until 1pm, going to the gym to start working on my Wedding Day body anddddddd linking up with Shanna of Because Shanna Said So!

Happy Turkey Day!!!!!!
xoxo, Jess