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UPDATE: Working on my Fitness!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

A week or so ago I posted about how I wanted to get back in shape, start eating better and get this weight off me!  Well things are going great in that department...I have started keeping track of my calories with this great app called MyFitnessPal and on Sunday I discovered the Nike + Running app.  I am VERY proud and excited to report that I am down to 164lbs!!!!
Yesterday I did 5.15 miles! WOO!
Today's lunch - grilled chicken with veggie salad (onion, green pepper, plum tomatoes, zuchini, mushrooms, cucumber and squash). 
With some light poppyseed dressing for added flavor :)
Who else is trying to lose weight right now?  Any tips that have helped you?
xoxo, Jess