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Today I feel..

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

- very overworked.  Can it be a month from now already?
- happy about how our DJ meeting went yesterday!  I think we might have found a winner..
- excited about marrying my best friend in 346 days.  Can it come faster pleaseeee?
- extremely anxious to book a trip to Boston.  And the JetBlue sales are taunting me!
- thrilled that the temperature isn't going below 72 for the next 10 days at least.
- like that means I need to get my tan on and get into the gym more.  Bikini season is upon us!
- very thirsty for a margarita.  Sorry that it's 10am.
- totally unoriginal and not inspired to write anything.
- sorry for you guys that this blog post is so lame.
- really glad that it is Random Wednesday so this post is acceptable.
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  1. yes yes get back up to New England girl! You deserve too!

    yay got the DJ! One step closer to the big day!

  2. I need to get a swimming suit! Nice weather is upon us and I don't have ANYTHING ugh.

  3. oh my gosh that is almost a year away! I was only engaged for 3 months and even that felt like forever. hopefully the time will fly by

  4. Yay! For booking the DJ! I was SO relieved when we got that checked off!
