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Weekend Update

Monday, August 5, 2013

Happy Shark Week everyone! 

I am assuming you all are just as excited as I am about Shark Week...and obviously watched the crazy show about Megalodon last night, right?  

I mean look at that...insane!!!  I was clearly captivated.  I love watching the interesting stuff on Shark Week...they are the most interesting animals! weekend was eventful and uneventful all at the same time.  I checked off a LOT of things on our moving to-do list though!

- Change bank accounts, cancel old accounts
- Forward mail
- Sell as much furniture as possible
- Possibly have a yard sale
- Rent U-Haul
- Upgrade my cell phone & our cell plan
- Attempt to find an apartment
- Pick up vet records for Penny and Seamus
- Ross's car needs work
- Oil change for my car
- Clean our entire house
- Pack everything we own
- Cancel all utilities

We started packing, put in an application on an apartment, got new bank accounts, upgraded me to the iPhone 5 finally...and sold a TON of our stuff.

This week means more packing, cleaning and selling shit.  And hopefully getting a YES on our new apartment!

Sami's Shenanigans

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  1. yay jess! looks like u got a lot of stuff done, good luck with the rest of your list and the move! have a great week love! :)

  2. be prepared on thursday for a shark week drinking game.

  3. Fellow shark week fanatic over here! Found you through the linkup and another blog! Your newest follower!

  4. Jealous! I want an iPhone 5! ;)
