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Week Four Run-cap

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Tomorrow marks the end of week four of my race training....and things are actually going so well!!  Tonight I battled through a decent head cold and put down my fastest three miles to date!  It actually felt amazing and as I entered mile two my lungs just felt open and ready to let my legs cruise.

The bad thing is that yesterday the lottery results for our race were announced - and I am the only person from my team that made the cut.  Even though we signed up as a team of six, our team was denied and I am the only person who got through in the individual lottery.  It was such a buzz kill!  My friends and I were really looking forward to running together and getting all dressed up and crazy!  Luckily, there is a beer garden after (since it is a Harpoon race) and everyone can come cheer me on and then celebrate with me.  Now May 18th just needs to get here so I can run my ass across the finish line!

I know that it isn't a very long race, but I haven't been active since we left South Carolina, so the past four weeks have been a huge step for me!  I am feeling my runs get easier and actually look forward to getting out and heading to the beach for some 'me' time.  Ross and I run with the dogs and it is the best thing for them - they love getting out, releasing their energy and having fun with us.

Now I am ready to make a purchase to help my running improve and to better track my runs.  I am looking at a few different products - the Fitbit, Garmin Watch and Nike Fuel Band.  They all are a bit different - the thing that I really like about the Fitbit and Fuel Band is that you wear them constantly because they track your walking, sleep and can also be used to track calories and dieting.

Fitbit - $99.95

Does anyone use these or have any other suggestions?  I would love some advice!  I am actively looking to purchase one and just want to make sure I pick the right thing!

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