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Five on Friday

Friday, June 13, 2014

Happy Friday!  I am glad that the weekend has finally arrived...this was definitely a crazy and exciting week!

:: one ::

I was offered a new job this week and accepted!  I am starting on the 30th and am absolutely thrilled to be moving on to a new chapter...and no more weddings and brides!  That is definitely the best part.  Tuesday night Ross and I went out for sushi to celebrate...and it was amazing.  Now I just have to tell my boss today...womp womp.  Wish me luck!

:: two ::

Seamus turned three on Wednesday!  I cannot believe he is already three and we have almost had him for three entire years.  I can't even remember life without him and am so happy that he came into our lives back in our first year together.  He has been a complete blessing and we love him more than anything...even though he is a little crazy!

:: three ::

I ordered this J.Crew Factory swimsuit last night and am soooo in love!  I am seriously going on a shopping binge for Mexico and need to be controlled....but really I can't wait for this suit to arrive.  Fingers crossed that it fits ;)

:: four ::

Saturday morning we are running another 5 mile race for ALS...and I am quite nervous!  I haven't been running a lot this month so I am sure it will be a very slow race!

:: five ::

My newest wedding obsession...flower crowns!!  One of my absolute favorite bloggers, Jessica at Here & Now recently got married to her sweetie and wore this stunning floral crown at her reception.  She posted yesterday about the Etsy site that she ordered them from and I really want to buy one right this second.  And maybe just wear it around every day...

Happy Friday!  Have an amazing weekend!

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  1. Never an easy conversation to have - but congratulations!! Still obsessing over the sushi YUM!! Hope you have a great weekend & Love the new bathing suit!

  2. The dreaded I am leaving you news! Good luck! I have only had to do it once but soooo awkward!
