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First Things First & TV Recaps

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

I feel like I have so much going on today!  I spent my evening hate-tweeting about the new season of The Bachelor and then got absurdly wrapped up in Catfish..because those people are freaks.  Yea, I know, I blog..but COME ON crazy online fake people...ya blowin my mind here!!
Thennnnn I woke up just to discover this fab post from Caroline over at Pretty In Prep about her new blog design...along with some awesome tutorials!  Take a looksie over to the left...and check out my new buttons!!!!!  Courtesy of the amazing Carrie!!  I am too excited.  Baby steps here kids.
And another exciting new development...a new link up!!!  Hallie and Halie just started it and I am super excited to join in!  Thanks ladies :)  This week's topics...first car, first date and first job!
First CAR
Hello, my name is Jessica and I used to be a pimp.  Nice to meet you. 
This sexy beast was all mine when I turned 16 :)  Mine was gold..and her name was Sally Lou.  I used to pack this baby with as many teens are she would hold...usually around 8-10 and would roll up to the parties like a boss.  She met her end when the heating and cooling system starting pumping straight exhaust into the about headaches!!  I then moved on to my current sex Honda Element :)  I definitely know how to pick 'em!
First JOB
Shaw's Supermarket my friends!  This lovely place was where I spent my weekends and summers from the age of 15-19.  I actually met some of my best friends working here...and am still besties with them to this day.  It was the best high school job I could have asked for...filled with the easiest work, wildest parties and cruising around town with the other kids who signed up for grocery store labor with me.  Definitely a great time in my teenage years :)
First DATE
So here is a crazy weird confession.  I never went on an official "date" until after college!!  I had a boyfriend all through high school...and our courtship consisted of romancing at our lockers and making sex eyes at each other when I was cheerleading at the high school games.  Fast forward to college and my 4 year relationship there started at a drunken party.  Talk about love.  Once I graduated and was single again I actually started going on legitimate dates..but never had any traumatic experiences or strange stories to tell.  Minus one time where the guy I went out with only talked about himself the entire time.  And another date where the guy took me to the premiere of Twilight.  Yea...with pre-teens and all.
Head over to join in this new link up and share your stories!!!!
Happy Tuesday :)
xoxo, Jess