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Changing your outlook and being thankful

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Last night and this morning I was cranky...really cranky.  I was snapping at Ross and just being generally bitchy.  I started thinking about it on my drive to work and realized that acting angry and cranky just isn't worth it.  Why am I wasting precious hours in my day being miserable?  Yes, work is very stressful and planning this wedding is a lot on my plate right now...but there is always tomorrow and always someone there to help.  Ross is there for me no matter what and always helps me with whatever I need, so being a jerk to him just makes no sense. 
This little face helps keep me smiling too.  How can you not smile when you look at that cutie?
We have so much to be thankful for but sometimes it is hard to remember all of the good things when we are busy and overworked and stressed about money.  We have each other, our doggies, our home, our families...and especially our health.  We are blessed in so many ways and sometimes forget that there are people out there..even right in our town...who have nothing.
I usually never write about these types of things, but after clearing my head on my drive to work and staring out at the sun and clear blue skies, I just feel better...and calm.  I am not a spiritual person in any way, but today I do feel blessed and thankful for everything in my life.  We only have so many days to enjoy life, so wasting them being cranky and mean and pessimistic just makes no sense. 
On another note...we went to a fun cajun restaurant on Tuesday for dinner...and I rocked my new fav wedges.  These might officially make me 6'3" but that is okay...Ross will still always tower over me! :)
And I saw this car yesterday.  I was thinking about asking her if she rented it for events.  That would look ballin to roll up to my wedding in...right?? ;)
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  1. The doggy is precious!
    I get like that sometimes...I will be cranky and as soon as I'm on my way to work I have to text my boyfriend and apologize and I'm like practically in tears wondering why I waste my time being like that.

  2. bahahah, the car made me laugh!

  3. I'm the exact same way! I end up snapping at my mom or Ryan when neither of them have anything to do with why I'm cranky. I'm much more self-aware now and try to immediately apologize when I know I was being a huge pain in the ass. Ryan just usually says, "Thanks for acknowledging that you were being a brat and you've apologized." Bahaha, gotta love 'em!

  4. LOl at that car. I was in Nashville one Saturday and there was one covered in smurfs. I mean the paint job was cool, but really? Cartoons. And it was the SAME type car. So funny. Maybe they're cousins.

  5. I totally find myself in the same kind of state at times. Counting your blessings is definitely the best thing to do to get out of that funk!! Haha dying at that car, I see similar ones all the time here in Atlanta lol

  6. This is great and totally applies to me this week. I'm linking to this post today if you don't mind-- I think lots of girls could use these words!

  7. You look SOOOO cute!!! love our shoemint wedges!!! they basically go with everything!
