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Thirsty Thursday

Thursday, June 27, 2013

I am a huge whiskey drinker...I mean huge.  But lately I have been trying to move towards vodka in an attempt to take in a few less calories.  I guess the real solution would be to cut my drinking out all together, but let's be real..that shit ain't happening any time soon.  So instead I found some drink recipes to try out for the holiday :)
Sounds like a perfect after work drink or just for lounging on a Saturday.
'The Lincoln' - White Whiskey Margarita
Get in my belly!
This cocktail looks delicous and refreshing for a hot summer day!
Sweet Tea Vodka & Lemonade
This definitely has to be a southern 'go-to' drink :)
This cocktail looks deceiving and delicious...I am definitely making this ASAP!
This is the kind of drink that should be in my fridge at all times.
So now I am ready to get drunk at 10am.  Oops :)  Good thing I have tomorrow off!
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  1. Any of the lemonade ones sound yummy! It's 9am here - let's drink! :)

  2. Good thing a happy hour (WITH ME) is in your very near future :)
