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Chi Omega you'll agree, is the best sorority!! Greek is Greek Linkup

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

I've talked about my sorority days before, but when I saw the Greek is Greek linkup I knew I couldn't miss it!!  I love looking at old pictures and thinking about the amazing times I had as a Chi O in college.

I actually had a very unique Greek experience.  When I got to college, there were two sororities on campus...but I really did not see myself fitting in either.  About a week into school there was a huge Organization Carnival...and a table caught my eye.  Two very nicely dressed ladies were there talking to girls about becoming Founding Members of a new sorority on campus...Chi Omega.  I was intrigued.

We went through a few pretty intense rounds of interviewing and then finally Nationals chose their girls...and I was one of them!  It was an insane first year.  We had a full time consultant living on campus to help us and we didn't have a house yet, but we were so invested in starting this sorority and making it work that we didn't care.

Now, the Sigma Mu chapter of Chi Omega is the largest sorority on Babson College's campus!!  It has absolutely flourished and thrived and I could not be prouder. 

2013 Chi O Formal

But going back through my experience is what we are here for.  I met some of my best friends through Chi of whom is going to be a bridesmaid in my wedding!!

 Summer of 2008 at Dave Matthews together!

I spent all of college with these ladies...and a while after.  It isn't just like having some friends...these really are sisters.  I am an only child and was so blessed to find Chi Omega and these amazing girls.

Summer 2008 living in Boston

Pirate Greek Week!

I would 100% recommend Greek Life to anyone entering college.  I seriously believe that joining Chi Omega was the best decision I made while at Babson.

One of many formals..

We laughed together, cried together, danced A LOT together, studied together, traveled name it.  My best times were with these ladies...and a lot of my best times today still are with these ladies!

Bid Day 2007...and when my hair actually curled :( 

Rascal Flatts 2007...Chi O tradition!  We went every single year...and had a BLAST

2007 Formal

Another formal/semi or whatever..

Being Greek is being apart of something bigger, something meaningful.  The philanthropy, the is all real.  People say it is 'buying your friends' and to them I just say I feel sorry that you think that way.  Never for a second did I feel I was buying my friends, and because you think that way you missed out on an amazing experience...which truly lasts a lifetime. 

My 21st Birthday in Boston!  Like my hat??

Halloween Senior Year

Fanta girls Senior year

Senior year

Relay for these outfits haha

See...we gave back to the community too! :) 

I have no clue what theme this was haha

These pictures are all from our college days, but the ladies shown here are still some of my closest friends.  I am over the moon about moving back to Boston to be with them all again!

Carolina Fireflies
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  1. how amazing that you were a founding member!! snaps to that sister!

  2. Definitely snaps for being a founding member! PS. You guys rocked those sexy costumes!!

  3. Oh the joys of founding a chapter!! I wasn't a foudning member but was a member of the first pledge class those girls recruited in formal recruitment. We had great success as well--you joined a great chapter!!!

  4. I love looking at old sorority pics! So fun!
