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Tuesday, August 13, 2013

I'm a day late because my weekend was very chaotic and my Monday was even worse.  But it is officially my last week of work here in South Carolina!!!!

It has been a longgggg year and I am so ready to get the hell out of here and on to bigger and much better things.  Most of my co-workers are being fairly awkward and gossipy about me leaving, so I am more than ready to pack up my stuff and never look back.  I have actually had two people from different departments and both in different buildings tell me they were so sorry to hear my engagement had ended.  Gossip at it's finest right there!!  They were both really uncomfortable and apologetic when I told them that was actually incorrect information.

We've done a ton of packing and sold off a lot of our furniture that we can't take as well.  Our new apartment is only 600 square feet and we live in 1300 square feet we are getting rid of every single thing we don't need.

I finally got new running sneakers this weekend and couldn't be happier!!  I got the Nike Free 5's...they are amazing!  Have definitely made my runs feel so much better the past few days.

I love that it is almost Fall!!  The Fall months in New England are absolutely gorgeous...we seriously couldn't be moving at a better time!

New beds for the babies!!  They sleep in their cages at night and needed some comfy new beds for the move :)

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  1. Your office sounds about the same as mine. The gossip around here is ridiculous! At least you don't have to deal with it much longer!! :)

  2. OOH! I hate office gossip. :( That happened to me when I moved/left my job in Utah. I am definitely going to check out those Nikes you got!

  3. gah. I hate my office for the same reason. But yayyy!! Can't wait til you get up here and settled! Are you bringing the pup's favorite chair?!

  4. Omg that sounds awful - how catty! Glad you're onto bigger and much better things!!

  5. Ugh. Office gossip is the worst! And I'm jelly about Fall in New England. I bet it's gorgeous!
