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Trading Places with our Fur Babies - Introducing Morgan!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy Tuesday from Cape Cod!!!!!  I spent the weekend driving 1,000 miles and then seeing my family and getting in some quality beach and relaxing time.  I will be back later this week with the story from my trip and updates on our new New England life!!  Follow me on Instagram to see everything that I am up to!

Today I have Morgan joining me and I couldn't be more excited!!!  She is going through a really exciting time in her life...planning her wedding and buying her first home!!  She always has the funniest stories and keeps me laughing every day :)  Make sure you head over to check out her blog, Believe in the Sparks!


I'm Morgan from Believe in the Sparks and today I'm here to talk about my favorite subject, my dogs. I've come to terms with reality recently and will admit that my dogs live a better life than some most humans. Proof of that came this morning as I was rushing through the house trying to look as if I didn't roll right out of bed and into work. As I was running down through the living room, one shoe on and the other in my hand, I glanced over at my dogs sleeping soundly on the couch and realized, those two are living the dream.

Somedays I even wish that I could trade places with my dogs. Just for a month week day. I assume my day as one of my fur monsters would go a little something like this:

Instead of hitting the snooze button on my alarm clock for 45 minutes before stumbling out of bed, I would sleep ever so soundly (in the middle of the bed, of course) as long as my little doggie heart desires. 
When I do decide to wake my lazy ass up, I would expect my momma to take me outside to do my business immediately. I wouldn't even care if she was half naked and frazzled trying to get dressed for work. A dog's gotta go when a dog's gotta go. 

I would then expect to eat my breakfast immediately. Don't even think about trying to brush your teeth or fix a cup of coffee before scooping out a cup of dog food and mixing just the right amount of water in it so it is soft enough for my sensitive little teeth, but no so much water that it is mushy and soggy. If my food isn't mixed just right I will sit and stare at it until my momma picks it up and fixes it. I would expect perfection every single time. 

After eating my breakfast I would jump right back up in bed before my momma has a chance to make it up. Then I will give her mean looks if she even thinks about coming close to the bed to make it up. I would continue to give her unpleasant looks until she puts on her shoes and picks up her purse. The faster she gets the hell out of the house, the faster I can begin my morning nap. 

But she better not dare walk out of that house without giving me a treat or two

After a long day of napping, chewing on my bone, and sunning in the window, I would expect my momma and/or daddy home not a second after 5:30. If I'm left alone a minute longer I would walk over to the door and do my business on the carpet, just for spite. 

Once someone gets home I would expect my evening walk. I wouldn't have the patience to wait for my momma to take her bra shoes off. If she insisted on changing clothes, I would bark and run crazy around the house until she is ready. Just to annoy the shit out of her. 

I would expect the perfect evening walk. Not too short, but not long enough so that I get overly parched. I would ensure my momma fully understands that I am in charge of walks, not her.

After my walk I would expect my dinner. Remember, perfect food to water ratio or I would not be satisfied. 
After such a long, hard day I would be just exhausted. I would expect my momma and daddy to sit on the couch and cuddle with me for the rest of the night. If either of them decided to leave me again to go out for a human dinner or alcohol induced evening, I would hold a grudge the rest of the night. I may even take another shit on the carpet so my momma would really get the point. 

When everyone gets ready to go to sleep I would jump on the bed and take up as much room as I could possibly manage. Don't dare try to move me. Just sleep around me, even if that means your curled up in the fetal position or one ass cheek is hanging off the bed.  

Yep. Trading lives with my fur monsters would be great for a day. Then I would realize that dogs can't participate in happy hour and I would want to go back to being a human. 
Speaking of happy hour, is it 5:00 yet?

And if you haven't heard enough about my two mutts yet, you can check me out here where I'm sure to speak about them again a time or ten.

--------------------------------------------------------------- it just me or is Morgan speaking for so many of us dog moms out there?!  I always think about what a great, easy life my two crazy puppies have.  Not a care in the world!!  And look at her two...aren't they just the cutest things in the entire world?  Love them!!

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