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Well I made a discovery...

Thursday, February 28, 2013

So yesterday, get this....not only did I find out that my email for City Sequins wasn't working but I also found out that I was a dreaded no-reply blogger.  WHAT THE EFFFFF.  How did I let that happen?!  And have no idea?!  Geez guys, please don't hate.  I know you're all probably thinking woahhhh look at this dumb girl...ignoring our emails and shit.  Well I am sorry!!  I think I have everything fixed though!
So onto other news.  Nashville.
Best show ever.  Seriously....I'm in love!  Not only is the plot fantastic but they do all of their own vocals!  That is what really gets me...and obvi because I loveeeee country.  If you haven't seen it then you definitely should tune in next Wednesday because that shit is amazing.
Next up...Duck Dynasty. 
Yea, I know...but I watch it, sorry.  Actually...sorry I'm not sorry.  My friends back home have asked me if this is what everyones life is like in the south...and I have told them that yea, basically it is, minus the whole millionaire thing :)  Hahaha but really...ya'll know you see this much camo on a daily basis at say....Walmart, Bi-Lo, the mall, Target, Food name it.  The other day I saw this at Bed, Bath and Beyond...

And obviously Duck Dynasty came to mind.  Don't know what I'm talking about.
Just as a reminder I will be here tomorrow but then I'm heading out of town till next don't miss me TOO much!  Maybe if you're lucky I will drunk vlog...just maybe. 
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Uhhhh sorrryyyyyy! NOT.

Wednesday, February 27, 2013

Today I am participating in another fabulous linkup brought to you by one of my FAV new bloggers Staci!  This girl is must go check out her blog.  Right NOW!
1.  I'm not sorry the worlds rudest looks when people say dumb shit.  Ross is always telling me that my looks are absurd and make people feel bad...well sorry you said something stupid.  Don't say stupid shit, end of story.
2.  I'm not sorry...that I love to get sloppy college drunk.  I'm almost 26..whatever.  I have a big girl job, that's fine.  But sometimes a girl has to let loose on the dance floor.  So judge me!  Sue me!  I love tequila and whiskey and vodka and shots and dancing and being all crazy up in da clubbb.
I'll dance with you Britt!
3.  I'm not sorry...that I am a 13 year old trapped in a 25 year olds body.  Glee, J-Biebs, Britney Spears, Demi Lovato,  One Direction, J-Timberlake.  BRING ITTTTT.  I jam OUT to that shit on a daily basis.  I never miss an episode of Glee.  I used to take naps to the Disney Channel in college...whatever, Hannah Montana was funny.  Yea, so what?
So if you decided not to un-follow me after these confessions then head over and join the link-up!  I am pretty sure you won't regret it. 
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Random Wednesday

I have party brain right now.  Total Vegas takeover.  I haven't been back in Vegas in like...a year...and am about ready to just start poppin bottles at my desk because I am so excited.  I want that sunshine to soak into my pearly white skin while I sip on the biggest, strongest drinks known to man.  Ross and I were eating breakfast this morning and were practically giggling with excitement.  Let's get this shit started already! 
Because of my overwhelming excitement, I have been listening to the Calvin Harris pandora station for about 7 days...non-stop.  I even tried to put it on when we were going to bed the other night.  Yea...I am freaking the eff out guys.  If you haven't been to Vegas I suggest you turn your computer off, get in your car and go to the nearest airport right now.  I mean NOW.  Just do it...don't think about it.
In other news, my parents get here tomorrow and that also is having me giddy with excitement!  They are watching Seamus for us while we go and are staying for a few extra days to hang out with us...I am taking them on a tour of our wedding venue Friday and my mom and I are getting pedi's and then we have a trip to the Biltmore on the agenda.  Can't wait for all of that too!  What an exciting week!
I am going to miss this precious little face though.  He will be so excited to have my parents here, but I hope he misses us just a little!!
Link up with Shanna for Random Wednesday!!
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First Things First :)

Tuesday, February 26, 2013

Two posts in one day....whhhattttt?!  Yea, that's right.  It is time to link up for First Things First!  Go check it out :)
First Beverage of Choice
Is whiskey an acceptable answer?  Well, it is mine.  Jameson to be specific.  I love me some Irish whiskey!!
First Breakfast of Choice
I am unbelievably lucky to have a man who LOVES to wake up and cook breakfast.  Egg sandwiches, french toast, breakfast wraps...he literally will wake up early every day to cook for us before work.  It is amazing and I love it!  Our typical breakfast is just bacon, egg and cheese sandwiches...since it is very easy.  And coffee...ALWAYS coffee.
First Dessert of Choice
I actually am not a fan of sweets...I would rather munch down an entire bag of chips, but if I have to have dessert I go for coffee ice cream!  It is my favorite!  I also loveeee making milkshakes...I would have one every day if it wouldn't make me 1000lbs. 

Come link up with us!!!  I am co-hosting next week, so you better check it out.  Next week the three firsts are:
1. First speeding ticket or traffic accident
2. First BIG accomplishment you're proud of
3. First thing you usually reach for in the fridge 
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Torrential Rain?

Holy crap it needs to stop raining.  But at least it isn't snow...I have to keep telling myself that.  But actually, you can play in is much harder to play in rain.  Which actually makes snow quite fun.  What the efffffff.  I need to get to Vegas NOW.
Last night we went to dinner with Ross's family that is in town visiting.  His mom, sister and her two daughters drove down for just a two day visit and then are heading to see his grandparents in Myrtle Beach today.  If you don't already know I am NOT a kid person...but for some reason these two little shrimps are like the cutest things alive.  They were so fun and were all about hanging out with me the past two days....weird.  When I saw Ross holding the baby last night I got all weird and gooey and like awww baby shit....woof.
I wore a new blazer that I got back around was on clearance at Macys for $17!  And has leopard lining...what could be better than that!

Seam wanted his picture taken too, clearly.

He loves posing with mommy haha

Do I need these?  I think I do...but probably need to be told no.  But maybe...?
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What a weekend..

Monday, February 25, 2013

Here's my weekend courtesy of instagram.  It consisted of big beers, Oscars, baking and cuddling with Seamus and Ross.
33 ounce beers!  Heaven!

The boys sharing..

Fresh banana bread

Soooo many naps

Margaritas and red carpet..
Anddddd we keep sleeping...
We leave for Vegas on SATURDAY!  YESSSSSSSS :)  Need this!
Link up for Weekend Shenanigans with Sami!

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Friday, February 22, 2013

My event is OVER and I can finally get back to lovin on you all!  Sorry for my horrible week...but I only lost one follower, so at least most of you still love me! 
I'll be catch-up blogging this weekend to make up for the lame ass week that I had. 
Since today is raining and cold and complete crap all I want to be doing is laying in my bed with some delicious red wine. is 9am and obviously I have a problem..what of it?
Since I am leaving for Vegas in a week I decided to sit on Pinterest and stare at all of the bikinis I can't afford/fit in.  I LOVE this one...wouldn't look like that in it but the aztec print is so cute.

I also love these two JCrew ones!  Anyone feel like buying me a prize?  :)  These would look wonderful on me in Vegas.  Obvi because Anchors screams Vegas rager.  Duh.
Happy Friday ya'll!
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Random Wednesday

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Today IS super random...because I am going to spend my day assembling centerpieces, picking up linens and awards, making a seating chart and then probably consuming too much wine.  Tomorrow is our biggest event of the semester and it is making me want to puke.
Other random things - it NEEDS to be a week from today.  Then my parents would be arriving tomorrow!  And we would be touring my wedding venue.  And having a spa day with my mom.  And I'd be packing for Vegas.  And probably getting drunk.  Whyyyyyyyy can't this week go faster?!
Ahhhhh I can't wait!!
On Monday Ross's mother and sister are visiting...with her two little kids.  I have never met his sister or her daughters so this will be veryyyy interesting!  Hopefully it goes well :)  And if it doesn't, guess I will be getting extra drunk :) hehehehe
Link up for Random Wednesday!!!
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First Things First...rainy Tuesday

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Any SC girls out there?  What is WITH this weather?  Does it seriously rain from December on here?  It is always raining!!  I need some damn sunshine on my skin or I am heading to the tanning bed STAT.  Gotta get that nice glow going.
Link up with us for First Things First today!  This link up is really funny...I love thinking back on old memories or laughing at the random things that I do.
First Thing I Do at the Gym
Typically, the treadmill or eliptical first.  But since I am a lazy ass and haven't been to the gym in A MONTH...I don't really know.  Sad to admit, but it's true...lazy lady right here.
First Date with my SO
Ross and I never had an official first date.  I guess when I first visited him in Utah you could consider that as a whole one big first date.  But never an official one.  He did drunkenly say to me at the bar that first night in Utah "so what ARE we?!" which obvi was one of the most romantic things ever, duh.  And speaking of firsts, the first night we met in Vegas we were dancing at a club and I drunkenly said to him "I'll make out with you, but not now because I want to keep dancing".  I AM SO CLASSY.
First Email Address
Ummmm it was actually.  Sloane was one of my first dogs.  5 is my lucky number.  Original. 
Sorry this post is I said this week is a total hot mess for me.  I am extremely busy with meetings and events at work.  Next week I will be able to breathe a bit and spend some time with Ross, Seamus, my parents and ya'll!! 
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My exciting weekend shenanigans!

Monday, February 18, 2013

Hey ya'll...sorry to report that it's Monday again.  I have a HUGE event on Thursday so my posts might be full of late night, boozey rants...just letting ya know.  How was everyones weekend?  I literally had the most exciting weekend ever.  Wanna know why?
Crazy, right?!  I was literally just spazzing the eff out over this last week...and here we are all official and shit.  WOOHOOO! 
The big date is...wait for it...wait for it...
APRIL 5, 2014!!
I will be a MRS. in a short 411 days! (But who's counting?!)
We still are going to Vegas next week which was supposed to be a trip to look at venues, but since we found ours on Saturday I am cancelling my appointments today and turning Vegas into more of a sloppy mess trip than it already was going to be.  Can't wait!
Our venue is in downtown Greenville and is SO gorgeous and rustic.  It is an old Cigar factory from the 1800's that has been completely gutted and re-vamped into a chic new event space.  I couldn't be happier!
Here are just two pictures of the outside...I have a tour scheduled for my parents when they get here next week so I will take more to show you guys!!!
Besides that excitement my weekend consisted of Ross and I celebrating with lots of drinks and yummy food..and it snowing!
 I'm linking up with Sami today for her NEW weekend link up...Weekend Shenanigans!
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See you Monday..

Friday, February 15, 2013

I don't have anything to write about today.  I'm tired and honestly just need a little break.  I will be back Monday...thanks for understanding my lame Friday.
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My lovely Valentine

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy V-Day lovers!  I should be linking up for 30 Second Thursday, but I was so busy and sick this week that I never found time to make a video.  Still head over and check out all the funny videos my fav ladies post. 
I had a WONDERFUL morning today...not only did my tax refund show up in my bank account (yesssssssssss) but I also won a giveaway on one of my favorite blogs Classic Bride!  This is my first blog giveaway win and I am so excited!  Can't wait to get some invitations picked out :)
Speaking of invitations...I am starting to have a complete meltdown over this wedding stuff.  I need some guidance.  We are stuggling so badly to pick a wedding location, but everywhere we want to get married is just so expensive.  Our budgets for Vegas and now Mexico are SOOOO high and we have tried to work the numbers every way we can, but they just don't seem to be going down.  We are seriously those people with champagne taste and a PBR budget...I want to have this elaborate wedding but we just don't have the resources to do that.  So then we start researching getting married around here or somewhere near the water and just can't find anything that we like or that is affordable. 
How do you decide?  And how do you have a wedding that is exactly what you want without being absurdly expensive?  I am shocked that as a wedding/event planner I am now asking these questions...but I have to admit...I have never worked with a low-budget bride.  Sad, but true.  So now I feel completely lost.
Sorry to start your V-Day which such a debbie downer story!
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Random Hump/Wednesday

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wednesday means we are THAT much closer to the weekend...which means my trashy roots are THAT much closer to being colored back to normal by my lovely hairdresser.  Hallejulah!  I need some foils all over my head, I look ridic.  And I went back to the doctor yesterday and found out my sinus infection actually turned into bronchitis because they didn't give me a strong enough antibiotic the last time.  COOL, thanks guys.
Guess what?  I finally have a button up to advertise with!  Made that all by myself...aren't you impressed?  Yea, I know you aren't...but I'm trying here guys!!  Anyone want to swap buttons?!  Email me bitchessss!
So speaking of my hair appointment...I am having a small obsession with Robyn's hair.  If you guys haven't been to her blog yet, you should definitely check it out...she is one of my favs, has amazing style and is from Utah (and I loveee me some UT bloggers). 
Anyways, I love how her hair is dark and then just the tips are dyed lighter.  I think it looks great...not sure if I could pull it off since my hair is a lot shorter, but that is my vision for this upcoming appointment.  I am desperately trying to grow my hair out by taking VERY little heat to it, using better quality shampoo and conditioner and also using morrocan oil..which I have been told is good.  I also got some biotin that I was being SO good about taking this fall, but have totally forgotten about since the new year.  I am definitely going to get back on that though!
On another note...I came across this picture when I was researching the resort we want as our venue in Mexico and I really love the cut of the bridesmaids dresses!  I want to have short dresses, but I think the top and the way they gather at the waist is so flattering...I really like them!  I do not want a single speck of pink at my wedding, but honestly don't even hate the color of these.
I am a degenerate anyway...I haven't even asked my bridesmaids to be in the wedding yet and obviously you guys know we can't even pick a date or location!  For someone whose job is to plan weddings and events, I am a complete indecisive mess!  We absolutely WILL have a decision made by mid-March.  No ifs, ands or buts!
Link up with Shanna today for Random Wednesday!
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